The Transmogolympics Have Begun

Image from Amateur Azerothian
Holy cows, life is busy lately! I haven't been posting much in the pre-expansion lull, but hopefully that will all change once there's a new selection of gear to transmogrify. Since I have been away, the Transmogolympics events are finally being announced! So far two of them (cycling and hammer throw) have been completed, and some of you may have already seen the results. I have not yet placed in an event (boo!) but taking a look at the other competitors, I really don't feel so bad! There's some amazing mogging going on so I encourage you to head over to Amateur Azerothian and take a look!

Now I know I posted this a while back when I initially entered the Transmogolympics, but to recap here is the flag-bearer for my chosen faction, the Aldor. I will begin posting the sets I created as the winners are announced, so check back here every week starting on Thursday for a detailed list of all the items I chose.

Click here for 3D view!
Armor Type: Plate
Restrictions: None

Shoulder: Pauldrons of Tempered Will
Chest: Protectorate Breastplate
Hands: Gauntlets of the Golden Thorn
Waist: Girdle of Many Blessings
Legs: Magistrate's Greaves
Feet: Pillarfoot Greaves
Tabard: Aldor Tabard

Main-hand: Hammer of Grief

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