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Armor Type: Leather
Restrictions: Horde only

Head: Other-Eye Patch
Shoulder: Boulder Pads
Chest: Chestguard of the Bleak Scarab
Wrists: Light Leather Bracers
Hands: Elven Spirit Claws
Waist: Wrathful Gladiator's Belt of Triumph
Legs: Replica General's Leather Legguards
Feet: Dragonhawk Boots

Weapons: Jagged Bone Fist

Today I am  showcasing my 'cyclist' set for the Transmogolympics. There was a bit of an issue with my entries being misplaced, so this one was not judged, but it was all fixed for the following event, the hammer throw, which I will feature here next Thursday. Yay!

Since I wasn't too concerned with the availability of the sets I created for the Transmogolympics, this one does feature the old PvP leggings. If you do not have a sufficient title to buy the replica gear, then this set doesn't exactly work. Hah! Even so, it may give you some ideas! 

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