Mogolympics Entry - Equestrian

The ninth and final event of the Mogolympics was the equestrian competition. The rules of this competition were: Build an outfit to compliment one of the horse mounts in the game.  (Faction limitations apply, so no Orcs on a Stormwind pony)

Like all of the previous events, there were some really amazing outfits. The results can be seen here: Mogolympics Equestrian Results.

I chose to go with the whole Stormwind Guard style mog (dressed up a bit of course) to go along with the Swift Alliance Steed.

Items used in the Transmog & Source:

Imperial Plate Helm - Blacksmthing
Imbued Plate Pauldrons - level 50 - 60 world drop
Imperial Plate Chest - Blacksmithing
Private's Tabard - pvp
Flash Freeze Gauntlets - Maloriak, Blackwing Descent
Replica Belt of Heroism - Baruma, vendor on Darkmoon Island
Imperial Plate Leggings - Blacksmithing
Life Force Chargers - Toxitron, Blackwing Descent
Commander's Crest - Commander Springvale, Shadowfang Keep
Replica Grand Marshal's Longsword - Big Zokk Torquewrench, vendor in Netherstorm

See this transmog on other race models: WoWhead item comparison of this set

The Closing Ceremonies for the 2012 Mogolymic Games have also been posted. You can see the winners here: Mogolympics - Closing Ceremonies. I'd like to say a big congratulations to all of the winners, and a MASSIVE thank you to the judges who clearly put a LOT of time into making all of this happen! I had a blast participating, reading the event commentaries, and ultimately getting to see some phenomenal outfits.

Oh, I almost forgot to add, JD made an entire site dedicated to the 2012 Mogolympics showcasing all of the outfits by faction. Check it out here: Transmogolympics !!

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