The Nexus Key to My Heart

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Armor type: Cloth
Restrictions: None

Head: Vishas' Hood
Shoulder: Burial Shawl / Duskwoven Amice
Back: Cloak of Revival
Chest: Robes of the Exalted
Hands: Mana-Etched Gloves
Waist: Elegant Temple Gardens' Girdle
Feet: Cindercloth Boots

Main-hand: The Nexus Key

It's been a while since we've had something gnome-friendly! This set was a request from another guildmate @lazervis. The requirement this time was something to go with the staff... and that was really tough! Those colours are so hard to match.

After four completely different sets, this is the one I thought looked best and was still easy enough to obtain. I think it's better without a headpiece, but Vishas' Hood matches pretty well with the rest of the set if you want something visible. I'm still not too happy with the gloves, but there is not much else with the right shade of blue so I figured these provided a nice variation!

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