Moggin' with Tabards - Tabard of the Explorer (Mail)

For my next "Moggin' with Tabards" transmog I will be building another around the Tabard of the Explorer for the final time; this one is for the mail armor wearing classes.

(Click on any picture in this post to see larger images)
Items used in this Transmog & Source:

Steamworker's Goggles - Flame Leviathan, Ulduar (25)
Lord's Pauldrons - level 50ish world (most commonly dropped by rare spawns) & dungeon trash drop
Formidable Chestpiece -  level 50 - 55ish world drop
Edgemaster's Handguards - level 50ish world/dungeon trash drop
Jazeraint Belt - level 35 - 40ish world (most commonly dropped by rare spawns) & dungeon trash drop
Skymaster's Pants - quest reward from The Twilight Skymaster
Knight's Boots - level 35 - 40ish world (most commonly dropped by rare spawns) & dungeon trash drop
Expedition Repeater - quest reward from Colossal Menace

See this transmog on other race models: Wowhead item comparison of this set

Some alternative weapons for the Shaman out there (from left to right):

Excavator's Brand - Uldaman trash drop, Shdowforge mobs in Badlands
Light-Imbued Lantern - quest reward from Turning Yourself In
Shockwave Truncheon - Murmur, Shadow Labyrinth
Force Reactive Disk - Engineering (300)

Well, that concludes my Tabard of the Explorer related transmogs. Stay tuned to see which tabard I'll be building some mogs around next!

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