Jumat, 13 November 2015 Cloth Cloth Sets Cloth Transmog Priest Transmogrification Transmog Anathema Here is the list of Anathema transmog set items: Stonecloth Circlet Flameseer Mantle Spiked Chain Cloak Silver-Thread Robe Exiled...
10.51 Cloth Cloth Sets Cloth Transmog Mage Priest Transmogrification Warlock Transmog Jade Spirit Here is the list of Jade Spirit transmog set items: Circlet of Faith Lightning Infused Mantle Silksand Cape Robes of the Exalted...
10.26 death knight Paladin Plate Plate Sets Plate Transmog Transmogrification Warrior Transmog Lady Danger Here is the list of Lady Danger transmog set items: Bloody Bandana Tyrant's Epaulets Durable Cape Tyrant's Chestpiece ...
Rabu, 27 Mei 2015 Green Mail OpenRaid Transmog Competition My Pet & Me A couple of days ago I posted my first entry into this year's Transmog Competition hosted by the good folks over at OpenRaid . I am so...
Minggu, 24 Mei 2015 Mail OpenRaid Transmog Competition Red Fired Up! Nope, not dead. Just busy. Still mogging though! Here's my latest~ The good folks over at OpenRaid are holding their annual Transmog Co...
Selasa, 03 Maret 2015 Cloth Cloth Sets Cloth Transmog Golden Mage Priest Transmogrification Warlock White Polly Molly Here is the list of Polly Molly transmog set items: Crown of Endless Knowledge Aurora Mantle Buccaneer's Vest Exiled Dabbler's Glov...
Senin, 16 Februari 2015 Cloth Cloth Sets Cloth Transmog Mage Priest Warlock White Sweet As Candy Here is the list of Sweet As Candy transmog set items: Hallowed Crown Vindicator Shoulderpads White Linen Robe Exiled Dabbler's Gloves H...
Senin, 12 Januari 2015 Cloth Cloth Sets Cloth Transmog Mage Priest Transmogrification Warlock Cherry Bomb Here is the list of Cherry Bomb transmog set items: Circle of Flame Slaughterhouse Spaulders Crimson Silk Vest Sunreaver Onslaught Tabard Gl...
11.06 death knight Paladin Plate Plate Sets Plate Transmog Transmogrification Warrior Violet Here is the list of Violet transmog set items: Earthen Shoulderguards Revenant Chestplate Plated Fists of Provacation Belt of Fallen Emperor...
10.40 death knight Paladin Plate Plate Sets Plate Transmog Transmogrification Warrior Kinda Sexy! Here is the list of Kinda Sexy transmog set items: Spaulders of Recurring Flame Warmaul Breastplate Flickering Handguards Uncrushable Belt o...
10.25 death knight Paladin Plate Plate Sets Plate Transmog Transmogrification Warrior Dark Lady Here is the list of Dark Lady transmog set items: Exalted Epaulets Enchanted Thorium Breastplate Stormforged Gauntlets Judgement Belt (pal...
09.41 death knight Paladin Plate Plate Sets Plate Transmog Transmogrification Warrior Like a Paladin Here is the list of Like a Paladin transmog set items: Casque of Flame Spaulders of Manifold Eyes Bloodfist Breastplate Grips of the Raging ...
09.01 Druid Leather Leather Sets Leather Transmog Monk Rogue Transmogrification Scarlet Here is the list of Scarlet transmog set items: Imposing Bandana Bonechewer Shoulderguards Primalstorm Breastplate (Only Leatherworkers) B...